Caessinia lux Aurelius

Wandering Medic & Chirurgeon

For RP Purposes, her middle and surname are unknown until she discloses that information ICly, unless we have a pre-arranged agreement for our characters knowing eachother

Lacking in height, Caessinia can be described as small, lithe, and almost delicate. She has a very youthful appearance, looking as if she were a teenager at the age of sixteen, or younger. She keeps her hair cropped short, and the coloration of it is black, with a tinge of gray in her bangs. It can often be noted that she carries herself very well and professionally, preferring to wear clothes that mark her as such.

She avoids clothes that are tight, revealing, or would otherwise accentuate the curvature of her body, aside from when she is being more casual, and not in her field gear. The most notable clothing item is her beret, that she wears at all times, even to sleep except on rare occasions, using it to hide her Garlean Third Eye.

At first interaction, one may equate Caessinia to being cold, and lacking in personality or emotion. In truth, she only plays this off as an act she must put on until she can determine if she trusts someone well enough to remove the mask she wears. Others may say she is quite cunning and calculating, and in truth, she is when she needs to be. For the most part, she puts the lives of her patients first, prioritizing the sick and injured, caring deeply for them.

Though when one does get that mask off of her, she thrives in the company of those she can deem her friends, trusting in them with even her most dreaded secret that she hides everyday. Ultimately, she fears abandonment from those she has trusted, and in turn, finds it hard to trust anyone with her emotions, or secrets.

⦿ One may recognize Caessinia if they were part of the VII Legion, or even the XIV Legion. The latter may recognize her as a known traitor.

⦿ Seeking medical aid? Caessinia is a well known traveling doctor and chirurgeon capable of tending wounds that can't be mended via magical means.

⦿ Magitek Repairs- When not traveling, Caessinia lives out of a small cottage in La Noscea, where she repairs salvaged magitek for her own uses, or for clients paying for her skills.

⦿ Caessinias Voice Claim is the Pulsefire version of Caitlynn from League of Legends. You can hear it here

⦿ Caessinia, as explained in her personality, has a deep rooted fear of abandonment, and trust issues.

⦿ She's often seen drinking coffee or other bitter drinks, and avoids sweets, because, as she puts it to others:
"I turn into a gremlin when I have too much sugar."